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Overcoming the Virus of Jealousy
Jealousy is a virus that will keep you from obtaining the blessings of the Lord for your life. It is a real feeling though and it does...
God's Glory is going to Overwhelm and Heal You
Over the last few days I have been hearing God say that he is about to tear the walls down in our lives that keep us bound in anxiety and...
Your Supernatural Shift is Here
Recently I had a strong word from the Lord as I was driving down a road in Australia. I heard the Lord say strongly in my heart, “IT...
The Great blessing of our God in Christ
Psalm 67 Let God grant us grace and bless us; let God make his face shine on us, Selah 2 so that your way becomes known on earth, ...
The Coming Supernatural Shift
Recently I was taking a nap in my van waiting for my youngest children to wake up from their naps when I went into a vision and saw...
The Isaiah 54 Anointing - A Time to Expand
The Isaiah 54 Anointing - A Time to Expand Isaiah 54:2-3 “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not...
The 212 Revival
There are times that God will speak through patterns that seem to be strange to the natural mind but he does speak in these ways...
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