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A Word for 2018
Psalm 71:6 By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother’s womb. My praise shall be continually of You....

The Spiritual Gift of Prophecy
The gift of prophecy is a powerful gift from the Lord. I have operated in this gift for about 14 years. When it first started operating...

The Gift of Tongues is for Today
Speaking in tongues is so powerful. I speak in tongues more than I am aware. There are many times that suddenly I find myself just...

His Peace Burns Inside
Oh the Love of Jesus that comes in his presence. There is such acceptance and feeling of fire inside his drawing. It is this warmth that...

The Prodigals shall Return
Many places where I go to minister I encounter people who have loved ones that do not know Jesus. We live in a prodigal generation. We...

The Manifest Shalom of God
The Shalom of God is the most amazing encounter that you will ever have. It really is what brought me into the kingdom and kept me in...

Gemstones, Prophesy and Wisdom
Last summer my friend Kathy Walters posted a picture on Facebook of two gemstones that appeared in her house. One appeared on her...
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