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It is your 358 Season - Everything is Going to by Alright
Feeling the breakthrough of the Lord in my heart is the most amazing thing. There are moments when a feeling of peace mixed with bliss...

Unshakable Faith Comes by Prayer
All the effort that we put into worrying about our problems is wasted energy. Whenever we lose our perspective and start focusing on...

The Hour of the Moving Elijahs
I believe that we are in a major season of transition for the Prophetic Community. We are about to seize shifts in the way people live...

Follow the Cloud - Living by Faith
I am currently on another ministry trip in America. My family and I raised the money to buy an RV this past summer. This is our first...

Overcoming Demonic Rage
A few nights ago I saw some dark spirits that were coming against the prophetic movement. In a dream I saw a giant owl and a giant...

Overcoming Temptation and Sin
Have you ever wrestled with sin? I have. I am thankful that God provides relief from sin. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin....
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