Darren Canning is a revivalist preacher who has a heart for revival and believes that God will touch lives deeply wherever he goes. He teaches on hearing the voice of God and experiencing the supernatural. Darren's life was touched powerfully through an encounter with God and he was transformed from an Atheist to a believer in a moment. He knows that if others experience God this way then they too will be changed forever.
About Darren
Darren first entered ministry over 30 years ago. When he was a young man he was a youth pastor at a church on the East Coast of Canada, where he saw many young people saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.
However, he went through some difficulties with church leadership and as a result was forced to leave and a revival broke out there three months later. Darren became very angry with God, blaming him for the lack of justness around what happened to him and for allowing a revival to break out where he believed he had been treated so badly. He was confused by what he felt was the unjust nature of God.
A year later he was studying a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and political science, when he encountered arguments for the non-existence of God. In one moment, Darren renounced his faith and became an Atheist and would continue in this lifestyle for 9 years. He graduated with top honors from University with two degrees, a BA and Master’s in Public Administration, which prepared him for work with the Federal Government of Canada.
After University he achieved great success as a Governmental Analyst working for the Auditor General of Canada and the Treasury Board Secretariat, but lost everything that was dear to him, including a marriage, children and a home. One year after his marriage fell apart, and 7 years after becoming an atheist, he was hanging in a closet with a rope around his neck trying to end his life, when God called out to him reminding of the call on his life.
That night the Lord brought him into the heavenlies in a vision and showed him the revival ministry that he would be a part of. Hope began to burn in his heart again, but it took two more years for him to break free from the strongholds of Atheism that held tight to his life.
He came back to the Lord in 2004 and the Lord began a work of restoration in his life. He has experienced the fire of God's healing in his own life and as a result began to share that hope with people everywhere he went.
He currently travels to different churches throughout Canada, the United States and the world as a revivalist preacher. He has seen thousands touched by the power of God and has been a part of a number of revivals throughout Canada and the USA.
He also has an amazing social media ministry. He does a broadcast called "FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP." Through media He has seen his ministry expand to many nations. People all over the world are healed, delivered and set free. God is good and HIs mercy endures. If God can use Darren then He can use you. Darren's heart is to see many sons and daughters come into the fulness of what God has for their lives.
Darren is married to Lydia and they have 4 sons and one daughter. He also has two beautiful daughters from his first marriage and is a proud grandfather to three grandchildren.