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Five Ways to Test a Prophetic Word

These are FIVE SIMPLE WAYS that I use to test a prophetic word. 1. Scripture test - while not every prophetic word that you get will correspond to a passage in scripture you must ask yourself does this word reflect the essence and purity of the word of God. i generally ask myself and God to confirm his word in my life through scripture. He always does. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." 2. What do my mentors say - if I get a specific word about a life direction I would never follow it unless the people that I am in relationship with are in agreement with its direction. Not everyone is going to agree with what you do in life, but there are those that God will put into your life that he will use to confirm his direction. I never make a big decision without speaking to people I am in relationship with. Wisdom comes from a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 15:12). 3. The Peace of God test - One of the main questions that I ask myself is does this word produce the peace of God in my heart. I have found that even when God corrects me or rebukes me that when I come into agreement with that word in produces the peace of Christ in my heart. Colossians 3:15 says, "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." 4. Does the Word Confirm things in my heart - Not that it always has to but I often find that when I encounter a prophetic word from God I have already been hearing God speak that word to me in other ways. Even Paul when confronted with the word about how he would be in chains in Jerusalem knew that he still had to go there because God had already spoken it to his heart (Acts 21:11). Many times for me a prophetic word just confirms what I already sense and know inside. 5. Is it from the right spirit - 1 Corinthians 14:3 is the acid test for me regarding prophetic words. in this passage it says that a prophetic word is to build up, comfort, console and strengthen. I had someone come to me once and prophesy that my intestines were dying and that my wife might drop dead. I told them flat out that this was not a word from God. God doesn't speak death and destruction. Even in the valley of dry bones God saw life and not death. When I see sorrow in a heart I speak joy and life. When I see sickness in a body I speak healing. So don't receive death words over your life and future. Jesus came to give life and life abundantly. Here is a link to a youtube video of Darren expressing his thoughts on hearing God's voice

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