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The Prophecy of the KNIGHTS in White Linen

Over the last few days the Lord keeps bringing a phrase into my heart. He has been telling me that the people of God are about to rise as warriors of the cross and they shall be known as “Knights in White Linen.” This morning as I was washing the dishes that phrase kept rolling in my heart in the form of a song. I must have sang it hundreds of times before it entered into my mind as a thought. I believe angels were singing it to me. They are excited about the prospect of the coming of these mighty ones. I began to do some research on this phrase and came to a nice little verse in Revelations 19:14. In this passage a wonderful picture is painted of the armies of heaven following Christ into battle. It says, “The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.” These armies have been washed in the blood of the lamb. These are the souls of the departed saints that are going to return with Christ when he invades this world and destroys the armies of darkness. The Lord in this hour is about to send his fire upon the church. Those that are not ready may not be prepared for this fire, but it is going to consume the darkness from their lives. They are going to be touched in the core of their beings and they will rise as Knights in White Linen. They will conquer darkness in the name of the King. You are royalty in Christ. You are undefeatable in Christ. There is nothing that can conquer you. You are more than a conqueror. You are an overcomer who will overcome every trial and difficulty that is in your life. I often hear people talk about the trials that they are going through like they cannot overcome them. You need to know that you are not alone. Everyone goes through difficulty. Everyone has something that they are facing which they must endure and overcome. Maybe it is a health situation or a crisis in the family. Maybe it is a financial situation or your neighbour or boss is treating you harshly. Whatever the problem you have Christ is the answer. As we allow him to wash us clean of all the stains in our hearts then we will be prepared for the new thing that God has for our lives. It is not that we do anything to make ourselves worthy. Jesus did it all on the cross. Your job is to stand and respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He will speak to your heart and say things like, “Perhaps it is time to stop hating your neighbour.” You will say, “Yes Lord, you are right, please forgive me.” As we respond to the issues he places before us he will set us free of many things that have been holding us down. Just let God touch the deep places of your heart. You can feel the pain in there. Place yourself in a position to let him left every burden from your life. Lie face down in the glory and tell him you want to be changed. He will change you day by day. Just let go and let him wash away the pain of your life. 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” And then there is this gem of a verse in Hebrews 9:14, “how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” And again in Ephesians 5:26-27, “that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” You are a part of this army of God that is rising. Jesus is going to cleanse every spot and wrinkle of your life. You are a Knight in White Linen. The work of Jesus on the cross is sufficient to cleanse and set you free. I declare that every blockage that has kept you down will now be unblocked and you will be victorious in the next season. The sin that trapped you and kept you in shame and guilt will be destroyed because of what Jesus did on the cross. Get ready for your deliverance. Get ready for new freedom.

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