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Prophecy of the Coming Glory Moons

In a recent dream I was standing in an Ocean town that I am familiar with on Canada’s east coast. In the natural this town is absolutely stunning. There are views of the ocean from every angle. When I was a boy this town was known for being a tough town to live in. My friends and I feared the young people of this town because they had a reputation of being aggressive.​ In this dream the Father stood beside me. He said, “Climb to the top of the road and you will be amazed at what you will see next.” I started to go as soon as he said it because I knew in my heart if the Father was telling me that I was about to see something beautiful then that is exactly what I should expect. I was amazed at how easy this hill was to climb. My expectation of what I was about to see was propelling to the top. I didn’t think the hill would take as long to climb as it did. I kept expecting to see what the Father had promised but there seemed to always be a little further to go. Eventually however I reached the summit and what I saw was breathtakingly beautiful. On the other side of the hill was the ocean underneath the moonlight. White light radiated onto the waters. I could see for a great distance and the water was as calm as any waters I had ever seen in my life. It looked like ice but it was a summer’s day. This reminds me of another vision that I had a few years ago. The vision also took place in this same province in Canada. In that vision I stood on the top of a great cleft looking out to sea. The cleft was a thousand feet high. In this part of the world there are many clefts like that. As I stood there gazing there was a great city upon the waters. Some of the buildings rose higher than the clefts. There were people living in these buildings enjoying the great view all around them. And the view was absolutely stunningly beautiful. These buildings were made of glass and were draped in the gold of the sun because it was setting. The waters were placid and splendid. There was a light cloud that formed over the waters. This place that was naturally very cold looked warmer than I had ever seen it before. The waters were more tropical than northern. There are a few things that I want to point out from these visions to strengthen your thoughts of God. The moon reflects the light of the sun, but when it is full and shining brightly it baths everything in a soft and wonderful light. In fact, I have heard sailors talk about getting a tan from the moon and it can be just as bad as a tan from the sun. You see when the moon reflects the sun perfectly it can have the same affect on a lower scale to it. You and I in Christ were born to reflect him to the world around us. That peace, joy and love that births inside of us because of the fire of Christ love become the reflection of Him to the world around us. The people we encounter should feel the power of his peace in us bringing a calm to their lives as well. When we radiate Christ perfectly in has the ability to bring deep abiding peace into the lives of everyone we meet. In order to do this it means we must climb the hill of the Lord. The Hill of the Lord may seem foreboding but the father has given us an invitation to be there. He will strengthen us to walk strongly and as long as we don’t give up and continue to listen to the words of the father we will make it to the top and into the glory encounters of the living God. The second dream use to confuse me very much because the building that I saw were located in a place that is known for great thundering waves after a major storm. When I saw those buildings there I thought to myself “Who in their right mind would choose willingly to live in a place like that?” Then the voice of the Lord came into my heart and he said, “The storm is over and the people will now live in the places where they once feared to dwell.” Revelation 21:1 says, “Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” One of the sad thoughts for me would be that there would be no more ocean in eternity. Although I have a healthy respect for the mighty oceans I love to look at them. I love how my eye can be extended into every direction and on a sunny day how all appears a deep blue. I could sit and watch the sea all day. When I read this verse the first time I was a little concerned but then I had these visions. I think the meaning of these verses is that the storms of the sea will end. I think we will never seeing the raging waves again. Waves are a part of the groaning of creation for the revealing of the sons of men. When the storm ends the way we live will change. We will be able to live in the places that once were inhabitable because God’s peace, joy and love will be everywhere. We cannot imagine a world within sin and violence. We cannot imagine a world where destruction did not take place, but that is exactly what we will inherit in the new heaven’s and the new earth. it will be a time of peace forever and ever. You will not even think about or imagine these former days. The Lord’s presence will be with you and you will be safe in his loving arms. Whenever I encounter God’s amazing glory I am strengthened. I pray for you today that you too will have the strength to walk the hill of the Lord. By the way Psalm 24 says the hill of the Lord is for those who have clean hands and a pure heart. The good news for you is that Jesus died for exactly this. If you feel unworthy that is fine because it is Jesus who makes us worthy. When I confess with my lips that he is Lord and believe in my heart then I a saved (Romans 10:9). May God bring you great hope today so that you will continue your climb into the realms of the Spirit and may your legs be strengthened to walk until you see the unfolding glory.

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