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The Rising of the Good Shepherd for Harvest

I am very excited in the spirit about what God is about to do. This morning many of the prophetic images that I have had over the last while are colliding together and I am seeing a clearer picture. About two months ago or more I had a dream in which I was seeing revival meetings break out in Canada. I was not in the country when this was happening but as soon as I got back I joined in the meetings. One of my friends was there and when I went into the meeting I stood beside him. The name of the speaker in these meetings was Victoria. She was dynamic and filled with the Holy Spirit. I remember seeing the glory lights fill the meeting space which happened to be taking place in a tent. A tent to me speaks of something temporary. About a year ago I was with Doug Addison in Hamilton, Ontario when he began to prophesy that something big was going to take place in the Hamilton and the Greater Toronto region on May 20, 2016. In Canada the May 20 weekend is known as the Victoria Day long weekend. It is the celebration of Queen Victoria of England. So could this be the Victoria from my dream. I think it is the interpretation. There are meetings starting this weekend May 27 to June 1 in Hamilton at the same church where Doug prophesied. These were not planned a year ago. Todd Bentley has been seeing major revival in Edmonton and decided he wanted to cross Canada and Joe Garcia’s Church the River International is where he is going. This was decided in the last week or so. This morning as I was waking I saw a vision. In it there was a shepherd – a very healthy and spry looking shepherd who had a great stride and bounce in his step. He was carrying a walking step which he was using to guide the sheep. This was the sort of fellow I would have expected to see herding sheep in the high hills of Northern England and Scotland. In the vision the sheep were walking beside him and they were running to keep up. He was determinedly guiding them to shelter. And then there is another image that came to me also this morning. I saw a video on FaceBook of eagles gathering together fishing. Each in turn would leap from the air toward the ocean waters to gather a fish within its beak. God is saying that something is about to happen in the Spirit. He is about to raise up the good shepherds who will bring in the sheep and catch the fish. There is an acceleration occurring in this moment for the harvest. I believe that we are going to see an increase in activity in the next while. We will also see the gathering of the prophets for harvest. Many will start coming together and in that place of association there will come an open heaven for what God is doing. I believe that with the Victoria Day weekend here in Canada we actually crossed a window into a different place spiritually. We have entered into the harvest zone, so get ready to hear reports of increased activities for harvest. There will be more fires about to burn in new places. I must stress that I really feel the Lord is saying that we must join together to see this harvest of souls. We must act as one body. We must gather and we must engage the enemy as one force. The enemy has taken out people in the past when they operate as lone rangers. I am seeing a picture of harvest in community with each other. This is not only for the harvest but for your well-being. One of the great marks of revival is supernatural fellowship. I have seen this everywhere I go. People will even move from towns into new towns in order to be in the place where the spirit of God is moving in community. I saw that occur in the revival that I was a part of in Kinburn, Ontario under Mark Redner. People will move to hot spots in order to serve and to have divine fellowship. I believe that we will see this again in this season. Todd Bentley has been seeing the Glory train a lot lately. The Glory train is an image that stays with me. It never leaves. I having been seeing it for 12 years ever since I came back to Christ. I once saw the glory train in a vision steaming up the valley that I live in. I knew it was a sign of revival and indeed that is what we experienced in those years. Yesterday as I was praying into what God is doing in Hamilton I came to the decision in prayer that I was completely behind what God is going to do there even though physically I am going to be in Australia for the next two months carrying out revival services there. However, I decided that whatever I could do in social media to advance what God is doing there then I will do it. As I ended my prayer which I prayed in my art studio I came into the house and began to write an endorsement for the meetings. I attached the poster that was developed for the meetings to what I had written which was a pic of a glory train and then I sent it out. I went into the kitchen where my kids had been painting all morning and my six year old son who is very prophetic came up to me with a picture he had done. First I was not paying attention to him but he was relentless and insisted that I look. Finanlly he said, “Dad, look I have painted the Glory train.” I was shocked. I had no idea that he was painting it, and what is more, he even knew to call it the glory train. God is speaking if we will listen. God is about to move in power even in Canada once again. It is time for something fresh in the spirit. It is time for the convocation of the eagles for harvest. Get ready for great gatherings to take place and for many to be brought into the kingdom as a result. I pray that the enemy will not distract this move of the Holy Spirit and I pray that you will have eyes to see and a heart to embrace what God is doing. You may not be one hundred percent comfortable with the packages that God wants to use but I pray that will not stop you from stepping in. Some of you need to hear this as you step into what God is about to do your entire family is going to be saved. So I pray that you will be strengthened and softened to enter into what the spirit is doing. Darren Canning ​Revivailist

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