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The Rise of the Meek Warriors

You shall ignite on the left and on the right. You shall be filled with a new sound that will break the stony rocks: in the plains, in the mountains and in the seas. You shall be strong and you shall overcome. There is a new wave of glory about to pour out in this season. You are about to hear the sound of revival waves break in the cities. We have had a taste in the last season, but in the new season, there is more coming. There is a company of soldiers arising with fire in their eyes. They shall be resolute, focused and ready to aim their swords in the direction that the Lord is sending them. There is a new meekness rising in the body of Christ. No longer will they run when the battle grows hard. Churches will grow and the believers will become mature. They will not run when offence rises, but they will walk the way of love. I see many Christians with open wounds on their arms and legs; and they are licking them. I see the Lord coming applying the balm to the wounds. Hearts are about to be healed. Those that have been living by their own plans will finally realize that they cannot succeed outside of Christ. They will die to their own way and rise mighty in the Lord. Mightiness only comes through meekness. It is up to the Lord to use you as his mighty weapon. I declare that you will have the courage to wait upon the Lord. As you do, you will rise on the wings of eagles to declare God’s voice, like the prophets of old. You will be like the trumpet that blows in the city, and the people will begin to fear their God. The meek ones are those who are eager to be used by God, but he is saying rest, and wait and in due time, your vision shall come to pass. It isn’t that you won’t be fruitful in the moment. Your fruitfulness doesn’t come through what you do. It comes from listening to the voice of God. He has prepared in advance the works that he has for your life, but you will only enter into them through resting in his voice. Your best laid plans are nothing. They mean nothing. Only what God has for you will last. I declare that you will enter into his rest. I declare that you are now becoming mighty in the Lord. I declare that you will be like John the Baptist, who was the voice of one crying in the wilderness. Make Ready the Way of the Lord, Make HIs paths straight(Matthew 3:3). You will be the levellers of the mountains, and the ones that fill in the valleys. There is a remnant rising in the meekness of the Lord. Their only desire will be to please their God. Upon his chest they will rest and their hearts will be filled with peace and joy. Faithful Prophets will rise in the land that will be like Samuel who walked faithfully with God all the days of his life. They will rejoice in the goodness of the Lord. They will be people who are greatly blessed in the Lord; and who understand his kindness, and his goodness. When they speak, they will be firm, but they will show great love, compassion and kindness. They will be mighty in the face of sin. They will be kind, but they will show the truth of sin. They will persuade the people regarding the goodness of God, and they will bring a remnant back to the cross. The cross will be their shield and their weapon. They will glory in the cross. Their sights and all their gaze will be upon the cross. Everywhere they go, they will see it. They will understand the power of the blood of Jesus, and they will become great deliverers. The earth is excited about these sons and daughters that are to rise. There will be a new movement, much like the Huguenots of France. These will be people that experience the transfiguration of the Lord. Multi-generations will rise in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They will be people of encounter. They will be people of visions and dreams. I am seeing new communities rising into destiny. I am seeing prosperity returning to the Land. These people will be resourceful and they will be champions in commerce. They will breathe the true prosperity of the King and they will take care of one another. Let’s begin to pray and ask God to make us these faithful ones. May the Lord start with you and your family and may you become the mighty one that only God could create.

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