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Gemstones, Prophesy and Wisdom

Last summer my friend Kathy Walters posted a picture on Facebook of two gemstones that appeared in her house. One appeared on her husband David’s desk and an exact stone appeared near her grandson. These two stones were marvelous in beauty. There were two or three colors inside of each of them and they looked just alike. Well I felt this intense desire to see the same thing. Another friend of mine, Jeff Jansen tells a story of an angel handing him a red ruby. In fact, I heard that through the years Jeff received two rubies. This story also brought to me a deep desire and hunger for the supernatural. Many reading right now are probably trying to put a dollar value on these gem stones. The truth is sometimes the stones that are found from heaven do have monetary value, but this has never been my motivation in wanting to find them. For me if a spiritual experience is available then I want it. Like Moses and Aaron who went up on the mountain top with the 70 elders I want to see God in his glory with a pavement of gemstones beneath his feet (Exodus 24:9-10). When the presence of God comes it brings with it the atmosphere of heaven and the atmosphere of heaven is filled with riches. The foundation of the New Jerusalem has 12 layers and they are all fine stones. I can’t wait to see it. It is lavish and filled with the glory of God. I heard these two stories around the same time last summer. I said to the Lord I want two rubies of my own. I don’t usually pray that way, but I did that day. Within a few days I was contacted by a friend from Massachusetts. She wanted me to come minister there for a weekend at the end of September. She started telling me stories of how she had found a lot of Gemstones through the years. She even sent me pictures of them. She had one shot that was very interesting to me. She had a pic of many red rubies that she had found. Without me saying anything she said I want to send you a couple of the rubies. I received those rubies with joy and then a month passed. I went to California to visit another friend who also has had many gemstones appear. Many of them in her own house. Just before I got there two stones appeared in the carpet in the downstairs family room. They were both rubies. She told me that she felt that because I was coming that the Lord meant those stones be for me, so she gave them to me. Now I had two red stones from California and two from Massachusetts. Over the last three months I have had significant dreams about gemstones. In them I find myself crawling around on the floor gathering stones that have appeared in meetings or in houses. Others are also gathering them. There are all sorts of colors – much like a rainbow of color. I find myself putting them into bags as if they were treasure that I was gathering to keep. When I wake up I usually start looking around my bed and then around my room to see if any managed to make it back from dreamland. Just last weekend I was ministering in Ontario, Canada when I began to think about the appearance of these precious stones. What I have gotten use to is how our God doesn’t do anything without a reason. Gemstones to me are just another way that God speaks into the earth, so I began to pray in my meeting “Lord what were you trying to say with these rubies?” He answered quickly and pointed me to the scriptures. He said, “What does the bible say about rubies?” So I looked and I was very happy that I did. There are many scriptures where rubies are mentioned. I will look at a couple. Throughout scripture many times precious stones are liked to the truth of God. This is the case in Ezekiel 28:12-13 where the prophet declares that the King of Tyre was adorned with wisdom and his covering was precious stones. I heard one person write that the precious stones that were arrayed around his head represented the prisms of truth and glory that come from the throne and shine wisdom and knowledge on the minds of men through the light of God. Rubies, as do all gemstones, represent wisdom, truth and knowledge. There is really no other commodity from heaven that is more valuable than wisdom. All wisdom comes from God (Daniel 2:20). There is a treasury in heaven of wisdom, knowledge and truth (Colossians 2:3). The wisdom of man is foolishness to God (1 Corinthians 3:19). And then there is this wonderful scripture in James 3:17 that talks about the weight of God’s heavenly treasure. It says, “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” The wisdom of heaven comes with his presence. And God gives that wisdom freely to anyone who seeks it. Proverbs 2:6, “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” I love the story of Solomon’s encounter with God. When the Lord appeared, he asked Solomon what he could do for him. Solomon answered and said that what he wanted was wisdom to administrate God’s people. And you know the story because Solomon asked wisely God granted him that wisdom and then gave him a greater kingdom in wealth and splendor than even his father had. Solomon even built the temple. Isaiah 54:11-14 (read it in full) is a picture of what happens to one who encounters the treasury of heaven. You can see in this scripture that God restores his people giving them rubies for their battlements and gates of sparking jewels and precious stones. To me this is a picture of the wisdom that comes upon the believer’s life in Christ to administrate their life more effectively. God wants to pour out his gemstones upon the earth in this hour and those stones are his precious truth. Proverbs 31:10 speaks about the virtuous wife and how she is worth far more than rubies. According to to be virtuous is to be a person who is good, moral, ethical, upright, honorable, excellent, pure, worthy, honest, righteous, exemplary, squeaky-clan, blameless, praiseworthy, incorruptible and high-principled. The bible says there is none good but God. Therefore, to be virtuous is something that comes from above and is from God. When heaven begins to shine in your life heaven’s character begins to manifest through it. These to me are the gemstones of heaven and to me this is what God was saying when I these rubies were given to me this summer. If you have wisdom and truth and knowledge from heaven you will prosper in many ways. I declare that a double portion of this is coming upon your life and that God is opening up the jewelled gates so that you will walk the streets of gold. This is just a poetic way of saying “Get ready for your great day of blessing.” May it be so for you and for me.

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