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Release of the Wild Horses

I was in England in February when I started seeing the wild horses. There was a commercial that played on tv of two wild horses running in the Alps. They were running up Alpine meadows toward the tree line. They were going to places where you would not expect wild horses to go. I saw that commercial three or four times and every time I felt the Holy Spirit say watch. I went into a trance and saw myself running with these wild ones.

A few days later I was in Berlin, Germany. I ministered among a couple of churches in that city. My friend Christian Stockman had me stay at his house. Near the room that I slept in there was a painting on the wall that his daughter painted – two horses running up a mountain side. They were moving to places that you didn’t expect them to run – to where the trees don’t grow.

When I see the same image twice in a short time I know that the Holy Spirit is trying to reveal something.

While still in Berlin I went shoe shopping. I am a big guy and it is very hard to buy shoes. In Berlin they have a shoe store just for big footed people, so whenever I am there I try to pick up a pair. I always joke that normally I have to go on pilgrimage to find shoes. It is hardly ever a neat and tidy affair. I have been known to go to three or four stores before I find what I am looking for. One time I was looking for a style of shoe that took me two years to find. So, walking into a store and finding a dozen pair of shoes all at once - that fit - is incredible.

That day I did find a wonderful pair of shoes. The lady helping tried to talk me into a different pair of shoes, but these were mine. I got them out of the store before I realised what they were called. They were called Mustangs, which as many of you know is a wild horse in America. This was a third confirmation that God was speaking to me.

When I first came to the Lord 14 years ago I went through a season where the Lord downloaded his word into my heart. Over and over again passages of scripture would come to me and I knew that these were truths that I had to digest in order to grow into the destiny that God had for me. One such passage was Jeremiah 12:5 which says,

“If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by[b] the Jordan?

In those days I was weak in faith. I was tossed back and forth by the enemy and his cunning. I had fears that had fears. I lived in weakness because I didn’t know who my Lord was. He gave me this scripture during my formative years. I laugh now when I think of that time. It was as if the Lord gave me this passage saying, “Grow up, son of man. I want to make you strong.” I want you to walk in faith for your self and for everyone I bring your way.

Some of us can’t even fight our own battles. That is alright for a season, but there comes a time that we need to learn to fight. We need to learn to stand against the words and accusations of the enemy. We need to learn to run faster. We need to learn to run stronger. There are wild horses out there that are running at God’s pace and I want to be one of them.

Jesus said in Matthew 21:21, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.”

We may or may not be in this place of faith currently. There are mountains when we first see them that cause us anxiety and fear. We don’t know if we are going to be able to scale such a height. This fear can be paralysing. But God is faithful. His voice strengthens us. He speaks, and we learn to believe and overcome every trial, tribulation and mountain. We learn to speak to the mountains the same way God’s teaches us to believe regarding them.

He will say stuff like you can afford to go on this trip. You won’t die of this disease. You will overcome all things. You are more than a conqueror. You will succeed in all that you do. As I have heard him speak this way I have become convinced by his voice and now I look at my mountains very differently. I know that they will come but I will get over them will the strength and grace of God pounding within me.

This is a new season. I believe that the wild horses are you and me. We will overcome this world because Jesus has overcome this world. Maybe in the last season you couldn’t overcome a small hill, but in this season, and with the power of Jesus inside of you, you will overcome. You will overcome for yourself and you will inspire your family and your acquaintances to do the same. You will run with other wild horses and together you will inspire each other to do great things.

I pray for you today. May God open your ears to hear his voice and may you become wildly famous for him.

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