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Keys to Inheriting God's Promises

Keys to Inheriting God's Promises

How do we effectively enter a season of change? I think for anyone this can be a challenge. Change is not always easy. We can get use to the way things are and fear change. But if we don’t allow change to come we can grow complacent. We might even enter a desert of our own creation where we suffer because we are not growing. God wants us to move with the cloud and the fire. To do that we have to step out by faith. I have five small children. Three or four times a year each of those kids gets a new pair of shoes. Those shoes are necessary because of their growth. Two days ago, my wife bought a pair of shoes for our oldest son, Joseph, which were too small. They were the size he wore in the last season. He needed bigger shoes and so we had to buy him a second pair. He was not happy with the first pair of shoes his mom purchased even though they were brand new and stylish. They were too small and as a result his feet were very sore. But when he got his new shoes he was happy once again. Anytime we fail to embrace God’s change in our life it is like wearing shoes that are too small. There will be pain and it will hurt. No matter how much we might like them they just don’t fit anymore. I have learned several keys to embrace my seasons of change. I guess the first and foremost key is the knowledge that God is good, and his mercy endures forever. I have learned to trust God which comes with a promise. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. When he brings me to the Jordan River and tells me to cross it, it isn’t to curse me but to bless my life. The river might look mighty, but I know that when I step out it will split because God is good. Crossing the Jordan will bring me to the place of God’s greatest promises. I want to be like Joshua and Caleb who believed and trusted. It isn’t always easy to step out in faith. When Peter stepped out of the boat it was because he saw Jesus walking on the water. His faith was inspired but he still had to step out of the boat. He still had to stand upon the water. As you know his faith waivered in that moment and Jesus had to grab him by the hand. I have often faced the same thing when I have stepped out. The Holy Spirit will often give me a dream of a future state that he wants me to obtain. I know when I see it that it will come to pass. I also know that the road to this new state will mean a change within me. I will generally go through many changes in my mind that will help me to inherit the future state. This involves forgiveness, repentance and God’s mind for our circumstances. Another major key to entering into God’s dreams is surrender. We must let go of our previous season and trust God to help us to enter into the new one. About three years ago I was in a major transition in my life. I was an Economist working for the Government of Canada. I had a good job, with a good pension and could have stayed there the rest of my career, but I knew that God had more for me. He began to speak to me about a time of transition. Most people would not do what I did. They like the security that comes with a permanent position in government. When God spoke to me about leaving I didn’t have any reason to think that it would work out in the natural. I simply trusted God and believed that he would take care of me and I surrendered to His will. Three years later, I have obtained more than I could ever have obtained in my government job. God has blessed me. It was a risk, but it was worth taking. I have been in almost 30 countries in the past three years. I have my hearts desire. My ministry is now reaching nations all over the world. We are seeing God do miracles in many people’s lives. If I didn’t step out, not only would I not be living my dream, I may not have been able to inspire others to live their dreams. We must surrender to God’s dream. This is the key to inheriting anything in Christ. We must trust that he is good. We must trust that he has a great plan for us. We must trust that even when hard times come that his good plan for our lives will still succeed. If you will believe him when he speaks and do what he says, then you will have the greatest life. I pray for you today and ask God to help you see what he has in store for your life. I ask him to open your ears to hear him. When he does speak I pray that you will learn to trust him and surrender to his will. He has a fulness of joy in store for your life. You can trust him so step out onto the waters. Darren Canning

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