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The Storms Are Nothing When You Have Faith In God.

This is a thought that I want you to meditate upon. THE STORMS ARE NOTHING WHEN YOU HAVE FAITH IN GOD. But do you have faith in God? That becomes the question. You may on a cognitive level have an understanding that there is a God out there but you may not have the experience of Him intervening in your life. This season we are in the middle of a plague called Covid-19; a disease that has shut down the entire world. If you are reading this at some point in the future what we are going through is one of the greatest challenges that our generation has faced up to this time. Many in the world are fearful. I have friends in India, Africa, Asia and in the Western nations that are without work. They do not know how they are going to pay for their needs. Most in the western world have never faced such a crisis in generations. Most have endured hardships but not to this level. Today we have seen 60,000 people die in one month because of Covid-19 and the forecasts that are being projected is that millions will die in the coming months. I am not wanting you to be bound by fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity. But of power, love and self discipline.” The Spirit of God in us is filled with belief and faith. When we have the Spirit we have victory and breakthrough. The question becomes, are there still areas in our lives that feel fear. It is alright to admit when we feel fear. We all do. Christ is at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you right now. You shall be fine. Romans 8:35 says, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or peril, or sword?” The answer is, nothing of course. Not even now during this plague will any tribulation be able to separate us from the love of God. He is using this plague to lead people to the place of repentance. Not many want to hear this but God uses death to bring life. God will lead people to himself through crisis. Those of you who are worried about your jobs, businesses, and provision, I understand what you are going through. I went through this many years before I entered into the understanding that God is my absolute provider. There was a time 15 years ago I had no job. I had a lot of debt. My creditors were coming for me. I had no house to live in of my own, nor could I afford rent. Naturally I should have been in the street, but the Lord became my provider in that season. It was the beginning of the knowledge that I would never lack in him again. No matter what came my way. I remember during that season the Lord said to me, “There are times that are coming for which I am preparing you.” I knew that great tribulations were coming in the earth where many would not know how they were going to make it through the storm. The Lord said to me “You will become comfort for many. You will teach them to live by faith and not by sight.” Right now I have seen God provide all my needs during this storm while others are worried that they will not make it through. I have helped many even in the last weeks financially. Not because I have a big bank account filled with money, but because I know God will bring me what I need according to His riches in glory. I have even sowed big seeds right now because of the example of Isaac (Genesis 26:12). I know that I can trust God to multiply my seed even now. I am actually convinced during this crisis that the blessings of God will manifest abundantly upon my life. The reason I believe this is because God is looking throughout the earth for a people who will believe in Him. He is looking for people who will not be persuaded by the evil in the earth. Those that learn to hear His voice, and turn from their wicked ways will have the blessing flow like rain over their lives. God is a God of blessing, and he blesses those that believe in His son. Today if you do not know Jesus, He is there for you. You just have to humble yourself and pray. As you do, faith will arise and you will see HIs blessing manifest in many ways. Even now rejoice that you are still alive and have eyes to read what I have written. I pray for you today. May God have mercy upon you and show you His amazing grace. I declare that the world may see much tribulation but it will not come near you because you are His child. In Jesus’ name, amen. Darren Canning

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