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Faith for God's Assignments

When the Lord began leading me into the life that I live today I was not a willing subject.  I didn’t like the thought of living a life of faith.  When you don’t know how things are going to work sometimes it can be hard to trust God to work things out.  I had studied two degrees in university and had prepared myself for a comfortable salary with benefits as an analyst in the government of Canada.  When the lord showed me what He wanted me to do I said “NO!”


Many might ask “How did I know that God was leading me to live a life of traveling and preaching?”  All I can say is that when you begin to hear God’s voice it seems obvious to the one that hears.  I am thankful that I had support from friends and family who could also see that I was called to be a minister of the gospel.  My mother always knew I would be a preacher.  Even when I was an unbeliever, she believed my education was for what I would do in my ministry.


I had an encounter when I was 30 years old with the Lord after a suicide attempt.  He spoke to me and told me of a plan that He had for my life.  Even though I didn’t enter that plan right away it gave me a lot of hope.  I won’t go into much detail regarding the experiences I had then except to say that I knew God was speaking.


In September 2002 I went on a pilgrimage of sorts.  I left my job in Ottawa where I had just become an analyst.  I had just tried to kill myself and ended up in the Royal Ottawa Hospital in the Psyche ward.  My doctor gave me a letter for a leave of absence from my job to heal up a little.


I took the opportunity to go back to my boyhood town in St. John’s, Newfoundland where my mother was living.  I stayed with her for a couple of weeks.  During that time, I read the bible.  Each time I randomly opened a bible it opened to Matthew 10:7-10 which states, “And as you go, preach, saying “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.  Freely you have received, freely give.  Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts, nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staff; for a worker is worthy of his food.”


This scripture came to me so often and in such random ways that I knew that it was the Lord guiding me to the scripture and the interpretation quickly came to me by the Holy Spirit.  The interpretation came by a dream.  I knew that I was to preach the gospel in all nations and that I was not to worry about how I would finance these trips, but as I went the money would come to me.  The prospect of living this kind of life terrified me in those days.  It stills stretches me now, but I have been living it so long that it seems normal.


When God speaks, He understands that there is a speed at which His communication will enter our hearts and produce faith.  He knows that a word now may only be activated in three- or four-year’s time.  He understands your speed.  He knows your timings and speaks in the moment for seasons to come.  The moment he told me Matthew 10 I had to process the thought.  I had to learn that he was a better provider than government or the world.  I did learn this.  I stepped into the word in a way that worked for me and my family.  Although I received this word in 2002, I didn’t start my full-time ministry until 2014.  During all those years I was learning to live by faith.  I know God was with my timings.


The word of God has a way of growing in your life.  Romans 1:17 says, “For in the gospel a righteousness of God is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith (disclosed in a way that awakens more faith).  As it is written and forever remains written, “The Just and Upright shall live by faith.”


It is the Lord that speaks faith into us and then it is us who step into the acts of faith.  He has preordained fruitfulness in our lives, and if we step into His voice, we will achieve great things.  My sheep hear my voice (John 10:27).  I am thankful for His voice because as I have stepped into His word for my life, I have seen that I can trust it.


I began traveling by faith even before I left my job behind.  For many years while working in Government I traveled from town to town on weekends and during my holidays.  I even took several leaves of absence.  As I learned the life of faith, I began to see that God would provide.  I am no indebted to any man, but I am indebted to God.  I have seen Him provide for me in ways that are astounding.  Not only has He provided for all my journeys, but He has given me a beautiful home and family.  We have a garden that I like to rest in and a porch that I watch the sunrise from.  He is a good father who gives good gifts to His children.  He not only provides but satisfies the desires of the heart.


I pray that undeniable faith will rise inside of you and that you will go forth in the power of the name of Jesus doing mighty exploits for him.  You can do it.  You can go forth like a lion conquering the territory that God has for you.  You can do all things through Christ who strengthens your faith with His word


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