The Christian is Like A Horse with No Limits
The wild horse is a powerful prophetic image for Christians. It is an image that has fascinated me in my art for many years. There is something about the magnificence of a horse that roams freely through God’s creation without bonds or tethers. It inspires the imagination to believe for greater things in ones’ life.
The Holy Spirit inside of a person is a liberating force. He unites the believer to Christ and places Him in their position in the body of Christ. As we bend to the will of God there is no bound that comes upon us that causes anguish or sorrow. In the bonds of Christ, we are freer than we ever were before Jesus. The Holy Spirit in my heart is like a wild wind that moves me from glory to glory. I am that wild horse running up a mountaintop not bound by sin or religion – free to roam as a freeman through time.
The wild horse is a symbol of true freedom. As Christians led by the Holy Spirit there is a wildness that we experience in his presence. There is freedom in living and moving in the being of the one true God. He created us to have no limitations in him. If we pursue his thoughts for our lives, we grow deeper in that wildness of God. For me I often feel like a person who has been released into the wilds of the northern plains of Canada, where there are only animals and skies as wide as time with lights dancing on the horizon. There is no end to the beauty I can experience in Him.
There is a freedom to be who God has called you to be. I don’t know how to lead you into the call that God has for your life. I would say that a great part of knowing what God wants you to do is in lying down in the presence and waiting to hear. I often tell people don’t get up until you hear His voice. When you do there will be no end to the work that you do for him. You will be in the rest and peace of His voice but working like a soldier in war.
The wild horse is also a symbol of endurance and perseverance. You will often see them in the highest places in the mountains of North America. They are often pictured running through the northern deserts up into the rocky peaks. They seem to run and not grow weary, walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). Some of the great movies about the wild west often depict cowboys trying to catch the wild horse. These horses are pictured in these movies running fast and enduring the chase. They climb the landscapes and disappear into the wild. The cowboys are mystified by their ability to endure and disappear.
We are this way in Christ. The enemy always tries to entrap us but if we listen to the voice of God we will endure and overcome all things. Difficult times will come. Have you not noticed that in our generation we have faced some very difficult storms; and yet, we remain. God is with us and if we continue to focus on him then we will overcome. This is what it means to endure. We find God’s rest and peace in all our circumstances. No matter what comes at us we feel peace, because the spirit of God is with us. We are wild and free from even the worse things that would come against our generation because He is called “Immanuel” or “God with Us.”
The wild horse is also an animal that is thought to break free from bondages. In the movies that you see about wild horses there is always a cowboy who manages to catch a wild horse. You will see the horse strong and vibrant and in a coral. You can even picture that horse inside of that confinement raising itself on its hind legs and calling out in a powerful way. Even in the confinement it looks powerful and free. When you watch these movies, you know that the bonds that bind this animal will fail and that this horse will soon make its way out into the wild open landscapes again.
The Christian sometimes gets entangled in sin or sometimes even falls prey to predatory force that try to bring bondage like a religious spirit. The Pharisees had a form of godliness, but it lacked power, because their religion was not of the spirit but of the flesh. Those that are led by the spirit are free. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).”
“If you seek him, he will be found by you (1 chronicles 28:9).” In finding Him we find freedom. “In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).” There are no confines inside of him. The mountaintops, and the seas are all free to roam. The territory that we have in the spirit is vast. You don’t sense limitation. You always feel the best is yet to come. Even when you are old you still feel like you have much to achieve, even after achieving much already. There is no end to the fruitfulness that we have in Christ.
The bonds are broken. The prison is a fiction. The enemy may think he has confined you, but you are not confined. One thought or word of wisdom from the lord and a new power comes into your legs to jump beyond anywhere you have been before. As you call out to Him, he will liberate you. Continue to persevere. Continue to believe. You shall overcome. I declare a new day for you. A day of being free like a wild horse.
